Turf & Rec

News Landscaping
Calgary facing a chinch bug setback through hot and dry month of May

Left untreated, lawns can be destroyed in only one season

May 18, 2023  By Turf & Rec

Close-up of an adult chinch bug on a leaf. Photo courtesy of Dr. Jesse Benelli

Calgary’s hot and dry May has led to a spread of chinch bugs on city lawns.

Under such conditions, the insects tend to migrate from one property to another, leaving a destructive path that can kill a lawn in as short a time as one season.

Chinch bugs suck the juices from grass blades while leaving a toxin behind that results in dead patches of grass.

The cost of resodding a lawn can range from $6,000 to $10,000, depending on its size.

The best time for spray applications is mid-June, a Calgary lawn care professional says, but treatment could take more than one visit.

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