Turf & Rec

Product News
Toro Introduces Reelmaster 3550-D

February 11, 2013  By  Mike Jiggens

Toro adds a new option to its Reelmaster® lineup with the new
Reelmaster 3550-D. The lightweight 3550-D is gentle on turf, while
still delivering a high level of performance and productivity.

At just 1,985 lbs. in the base configuration, the Reelmaster 3550-D is the lightest fairway unit on the market —significantly lighter than comparably equipped competitive mowers weighing up to 2,600 lbs. The lightweight design allows for gentle turns, and minimizes compaction and tire tracks.tororeelweb

With a maximum mowing speed of 7 mph, the Reelmaster 3550-D is approximately 40 per cent faster than the riding greens mowers sometimes chosen to achieve a light footprint. It also offers an 82-inch width of cut, compared to the 59-inch width of cut on a typical riding greens mower. The higher speed and wider cutting swath allow operators to finish jobs faster for higher productivity.

The Reelmaster 3550-D has five, 18-inch cutting units for enhanced ground following over fairway undulations. They’re a smaller version of Toro’s dual precision adjustment (DPA) cutting units, which are easy to adjust, have fewer required adjustments, and hold their adjustment longer. Optional 22-inch rear cutting units are available to achieve additional overlap if desired.


“Toro developed the 3550-D with turf health in mind,” says Edric Funk, senior marketing manager at Toro. “The lighter weight means better flotation, which allows bentgrass fairways and other sensitive turf areas to flourish. The DPA cutting units also deliver an outstanding quality of cut.”

The Reelmaster 3550-D features a 24.8 hp Kubota diesel engine with plenty of power to climb hills, even while running groomers and rear roller brushes. Smooth, turf-friendly tires are standard, as is a series/parallel 3-wheel drive system that provides outstanding traction on wet, uphill grades.

For more information about the Toro Reelmaster 3550-D, visit http://www.toro.com.

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