Turf & Rec

News Municipal
Petition calls for City of London to better define wording about yard maintenance bylaws

Critics say current wording is both outdated and confusing

August 28, 2023  By Turf & Rec

An existing bylaw in London, Ont. that governs property maintenance standards is both outdated and confusing, critics say.

City council will address the issue and its wording tomorrow. Several citizens suggest that it’s more important than ever today to encourage naturalized yards amid the current climate crisis. A group of people have circulated a petition bearing more than 200 signatures they plan to present to council prior to its meeting, to encourage a rethinking of the current bylaw’s wording.

The petition is also asking the city to better define the words “grass” and “weeds,” suggesting they are too broad in scope.

Among the complaints the city has fielded about messy yards is that vegetation has grown to high that it has created visibility concerns with laneways and driveways.

This article is part of the Municipalities Week.

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