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KEGS squares Syngenta Cup series with GLAGS, supports Haitian orphanage with $500 winning prize

December 21, 2010  By  Mike Jiggens

AN orphanage fund in Haiti is the benefactor of a $500 donation from
Syngenta Crop Protection Canada Inc. as the charity of choice by the
Kent-Essex Golf Superintendents (KEGS) Association for winning the
second annual Syngenta Cup match play challenge Oct. 7.

KEGS defeated the neighbouring Greater London Association of Golf Superintendents (GLAGS) 12-9 in the Ryder Cup-like competition between the two southern Ontario organizations. The contest, a “home” match for KEGS at Chatham’s Maple City Golf Club, has squared the series at a victory apiece after GLAGS posted a 14-7 win last year at the St. Thomas Golf & Country Club.thumb_syngentaweb

In its role as tournament sponsor, Syngenta each year puts up $500 for the winning side to award to its favourite charity. GLAGS earmarked its 2009 winning cheque for the London, Ont.-based Investing in Children, which works with community partners to identify gaps and create unique opportunities for children and families.

Steve Hatch, captain of the KEGS team and superintendent at Windsor’s Seven Lakes Golf Course, said the Haiti orphanage fund is a charity KEGS has been supporting for the past five or six years.


The prize money will help with vegetable-growing operations and school construction. KEGS purchased 26 acres of land in Haiti, giving it back to the local community and helping it with vegetable-growing plots equipped with trickle irrigation.

“We’re here to support the industry,” said Ryan Beauchamp, turf specialist with Syngenta, who conceived the idea for the match play competition. “This is a great give-back to you guys. At Syngenta, we appreciate your support back to us.”

Fourteen golfers aside engaged in the series of seven matches in which partnered golfers played six holes of alternating shots for one point, six holes of scramble play for one point, and six holes of best ball for a third point.

“It (the tournament) seems to be working out fairly well,” Hatch said. “I think everyone enjoys the day of comraderie and competition. It’s not too serious, but it’s serious enough to get our juices flowing a little bit for all us guys who think we can golf.”


KEGS captured four of the seven matches. Only two of the matches ended in 3-0 sweeps—one per side.

To help speed up play at next year’s event, which tentatively will be played in London, the alternating shots portion of the matches will involve only one ball per set of partners instead of both balls being in play.

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