Turf & Rec

Product News
New irrigation system eliminates need for decoders, satellite controllers

September 21, 2009  By  Mike Jiggens

In today’s highly competitive golf course marketplace, superintendents face the challenge of providing players with the best possible golfing experience while keeping expenses to a minimum. Combine that with an increased emphasis on water conservation and environmental stewardship, and the result is a strong need for a simpler, more cost-efficient way to manage golf course irrigation.

Now, Rain Bird has answered that need with its new IC (Integrated
Control) System. A new solution, the IC System is a control platform
that uses Rain Bird’s exclusive Integrated Control Technology™ to link
a course’s central control directly with its rotors. By incorporating a
small Integrated Control Module (ICM) with each rotor, the IC System
eliminates the need for decoders or satellite controllers on the

According to Matt Mikucki, product manager for Rain Bird’s golf course
central control systems, the IC System combines simplicity with lower

“With fewer parts, the IC System is easy to design, install and
maintain,” Mikucki said. “The IC System requires up to 90 per cent less
wire and has simple design parameters that result in faster
installation and a significant reduction in the cost of both materials
and labour.” 

While the IC System offers ease of installation and cost-efficiency, it
also exceeds current industry standards for reliability and
performance. Since control is built right into the rotor, the IC System
requires 33 to 50 per cent fewer splice points, effectively diminishing
opportunities for potential failure and simplifying expansion. With the
IC System located underground, the risk for damage caused by vandals,
inclement weather or outdoor pests is reduced, while providing
outstanding surge and lightning protection.

“The IC System has virtually unlimited electrical capacity, making it
simple to expand the system as budgets allow,” Mikucki added.
“Integrated Control Modules can be added almost anywhere there’s wire,
with only two splices necessary to install each device.”

By providing superintendents and managers with simplified installation,
flexibility, affordable performance and invaluable peace-of-mind, the
IC System is poised to change the way professional agronomists manage
their irrigation systems.

For more information about Rain Bird’s new IC System or other products
for golf course irrigation, visit http://www.rainbird.com/golf or call (520)

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