Turf & Rec

Allturf celebrates first 30 years with gathering in Niagara Falls

February 12, 2009  By  Mike Jiggens


 Syngenta's Gregg Allan, left, accepts an
 award for vendor of the year from Allturf's
 Rocco DiPasquale.

The Sheppard family built their business on relationships and friendships, so it was appropriate that they would recently gather with friends to recognize the 30th anniversary of their business, Allturf Ltd.

Thirty years ago, Paul Sheppard set out in a small van loaded with bedknives and Killex, looking for business. Building relationships through honesty, hard work, and sound technical advice, Allturf flourished into an industry leader. Thirty years later, the next generation of Sheppards run a much larger company, and do so with the same values taught by their father.

Birthdays and anniversaries are milestones to be celebrated with friends and family. A chandelier laden ballroom in Niagara Falls was the site of the anniversary celebration. More than 200 customers, vendors, staff, and spouses joined in the food, drink, and conversation. Finalists from a fall booking program competed in a putting contest on a 200-square-foot putting green. After settling a four-way tie, Andrew Hardy from Pheasant Run Golf Club was presented with a trip for two to London, England.

General manager Rocco DiPasquale presented Engage Agro with an award, recognizing them as marketing team of the year. Ray Chyc and Kevin Falls accepted the award with some kind words at the podium. Syngenta was then presented with an award for the vendor of the year. President Gregg Allan accepted the award, thanking Allturf for its commitment to excellence in the industry, and praised the professional relationship between the two companies.

The evening continued with drinks and laughter leading up to the final draw. All customer names were placed in a barrel and a steady hand pulled out the ticket belonging to Ed Doda from Barrie Country Club. Ed won a trip for two to the Caribbean.

While technical seminars and sales presentations are important activities, strengthening relationships between vendors, customers and staff is considered priceless. The Allturf 30th anniversary celebration allowed all participants to interact, introduce their spouses and enjoy the activities Niagara Falls has to offer. The evening, draws and fun would not have been possible without the generous support of such vendors as Aquatrols, Bayer, Engage Agro, Enviro-Sol, Graham Seed, Par Aide and Standard Golf, Syngenta and UAP. Special thanks went to Brett and Heather from Southwest Greens for building the putting green. The company expressed gratitude to its customers today, and over the last 30 years for helping Allturf become an industry leader in professional turf maintenance products.

In January, Allturf presented a business-oriented seminar with Don Barkley from the Ivy School of Business. It brought superintendents and general managers together to find more profitable ways to operate their golf courses.

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