Turf & Rec

Product News Turf Care Equipment
AeraSeeder’s design allows for maximum seed spread accuracy

December 2, 2020  By Reist Industries

Reist Industries’ 48-inch AeraSeeder boasts a number of features for effective seeding jobs. It features an internal agitator and bearing assembly to deliver a smooth and constant seed flow.

The seed rate is achieved through an innovative locking knob adjustment control, allowing for maximum seed spread accuracy. The seed flow is turned on and off by a manual or hydraulic lever mechanism. The tandem rollers oscillate 30 degrees on a pivot, allowing for consistent ground contract on rolling terrain.

The unit features a seeding width of 44 inches with a seed bin capacity of 4.75 bushels.

For more information about the Reist AeraSeeder, visit https://www.reistindustries.com/prod/aeraseeder/48aera.php.

This article is part of the Equipment Week.

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