Turf & Rec

News Municipal
P.E.I. man plans to fight city hall over being told to mow his naturalized lawn

He claims longer grass provides food for migrating birds

September 20, 2023  By Turf & Rec

A Charlottetown, P.E.I. man plans to fight city hall after being told he violated a local bylaw over the length of his lawn.

The man was issued with an order to mow his lawn last month because it exceeded 150 millimetres in length, and now the city plans to mow it without his permission, he claims.

The resident says he hasn’t fielded any complaints from others and argues allowing his lawn to become naturalized provides food for migrating birds and brings the lawn to life.

The plaintiff says he plans to speak with an environmental attorney about his case.

This article is part of the Municipalities Week.

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