Lions QB to deliver WCTA keynote talk
Travis Lulay to speak about field playing conditions at winter conference.
December 18, 2017 By Turf and Rec Staff
B.C. Lions quarterback Travis Lulay will be the keynote speaker in February at the Western Canada Turfgrass Association’s 2018 conference in Richmond, B.C.
The 34-year-old football player from Aumsville, Ore. understands the value of turf at the highest levels, and part of his presentation will be about field playing conditions as well as his own career and experiences.
Lulay has spent his entire Canadian Football League career with the Lions, appearing in 117 games, throwing for 17,165 yards and 104 touchdowns. He led the Lions to a Grey Cup championship in 2011 and was named the game’s most valuable player. That same season, he was the CFL’s most outstanding player award winner.
“What a great way to showcase the value of turf,” WCTA president and conference committee chairman Peter Sorokovsky said of the keynote address. “Mr. Lulay will bring a perspective we’ve never heard before, and I think turf managers from all sectors will better understand that what we do is important at so many levels.”
The WCTA conference will take place at the River Rock Casino Resort in Richmond Feb. 14-16.
“The speaker lineup will start and end strong with plenty of great talks in between,” WCTA executive director Jerry Rousseau said. “The organizing committee has done an excellent job creating this year’s educational programming and, on another note, the River Rock venue is both amazing and affordable. If you haven’t been there before, look to be impressed.”
Other conference highlights include:
- Pre-conference workshops Wednesday, Feb. 14, including a British Columbia Golf Superintendents Association/WCTA co-sponsored session with Dr. Micah Woods of the Asian Turfgrass Center, and pesticide applicator training with Mario Lanthier. Both sessions will take place at the Point Grey Golf Club.
- Sports Turf Canada synthetic turf safety and maintenance certification course on Wednesday, Feb. 14 at the River Rock Resort.
- The inaugural iTurf Golf Tourney for Turf Research, hosted by the Point Grey Golf Club begins at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 14. Pre-conference seminar attendees can participate at no extra cost. Participants can play one of the province’s foremost private clubs and support turf research at the same time.
- The Dave Creamer Memorial Hockey Game will be played at 7:15 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 15.
- A three-hour-plus maintenance facility tour, including the Point Grey Golf Club and Richmond City Works, will take place Friday, Feb. 15.
- Dedicated trade show time is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 15 from 3-6 p.m. and on Friday, Feb. 16 from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- B.C. and Alberta CEC/CEU points will be available.
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